I Can’t Take it Anymore! How to Deal with Really Tough Situations

Having a sense of purpose can really make the difference when you’re having an “I can’t take it anymore” moment.

There are definitely things you can do to feel better and focus on the more positive aspects of your situation.

And they do help a lot…

But this article is about something else…

What makes something an “I can’t take it anymore” moment usually is just that you want something else.

So take all the emotion out of it…

And the “poor me” bit…

And notice that you just want something else right now.

Now you have a choice…

You can continue on with the “poor me”, emotional self-torture if you want…

I know I did for longer than I care to admit.

There’s nothing wrong with feeling bad or torturing yourself.

It just doesn’t feel good…

And it rarely gets you what you want in life.

So if you want to feel better and have a fulfilling life, you’re going to have to do something different.

One way to deal with a really tough situation is to look at it as a necessary learning and/or growing experience.

Maybe there is a purpose to it all!

Maybe the universe isn’t random…

Maybe this is part of your training program.

I like to think of myself as always being in training for something that I don’t know about.

It’s preparing me for my future…

And it doesn’t matter if I know what “it” is…

I like to think that I have complete trust in an intelligent universe and a caring and loving God (insert your preferred higher power here…)

And I remind myself of it a lot…

Like when I forget occasionally…

Because sometimes I forget and think life sucks.

And I’ve had some really big challenges in my life, but I know I’m not the only one…

Everyone has big challenges…

But when we think of it as if it’s just part of our training program that is preparing us for really wonderful things…

It makes it a little easier…

To do what needs to be done.

And if you want to know more about dealing with challenges…

There’s a really great book out there called “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl.

He was a concentration camp prisoner who managed to come out alive.

If ever there were a book that could tell you about how to deal with those “I can’t take it anymore” moments, this is the book.

He said that surviving a concentration camp required mental and emotional strength.

And he talks about who survived and how in the book…

If it worked for someone in a concentration camp, maybe it will help you deal with your situation…